
  • Being accused of a white-collar crime is a life-changing event. In most cases, it is the first time in your life you have been accused of a crime. Your career and financial security can be at risk. You may not be sure how to process what's taking place, or where to turn for help. At the Peele | Nimocks Toth Law Firm, our former federal and state prosecutors will provide the support and guidance you need to fight back.

    Contacting us as soon you think you are the focus of a criminal investigation is important. The earlier we are hired, the sooner we can evaluate your case and begin to defend you. We are often hired before the government brings any charges, giving us the opportunity to convince prosecutors that no charges should be brought at all. When we are hired after indictment, we use our years of experience as prosecutors to find the weaknesses in the government’s case and craft a winning trial strategy.

    Representative Matters

    We represent the former CEO of a rural healthcare network charged in federal court with conspiracy to pay kickbacks to doctors in violation of the Anti-Kickback Statute. We also represent him in the related civil False Claims Act case.

    We represent an individual charged in federal court in connection with buying and selling tens of millions in stolen cell phones.

    While at our previous firm, we successfully negotiated a plea agreement for the owner of a company accused of obtaining workers compensation coverage by false pretenses. The company entered into a very favorable plea agreement and in exchange the owner faced no personal charges.

    While at our previous firm, we represented a distributor of skincare devices that faced a federal investigation and subpoena related to the company’s business dealings with a foreign businessman in a country with interests adverse to the United States. After we were hired and engaged with the federal agent leading the investigation, the government was convinced to close the investigation and no action was brought against our client.

  • If you're considering pursuing litigation against state or federal government agencies or a city, county, or school district, you need the Peele Nimocks Toth team by your side. Whether the government is seeking huge sums of money under the False Claims Act or you are fighting oppressive government regulation via the federal Administrative Procedure Act, you need an attorney with the skills and experience to help. At the Peele Nimocks Toth Law Firm we understand the seriousness of these cases and bring decades of experience to bear when it matters.

    Litigating with the government is very different from a lawsuit between private individuals or companies. The government has infinite resources and does not operate under the normal considerations of time, cost, and risk that private individuals do. The government’s position of often driven by public policy concerns, not just efficiency. For these reasons, resolving these cases can be far more complicated than a normal case. Having fought these matters from both sides, we have the experience you need to get the best resolution.

    Because of our experience, we are often hired by government agencies to handle matters they cannot handle on their own. Our government clients appreciate our ability to navigate the complex relationship between federal and state governments. Our private clients benefit from the positive reputation and credibility we enjoy with government agencies.

    Representative Matters

    We represent the General Land Office of Texas in a dispute with the federal government over the border wall in south Texas.

    We are assisting a healthcare provider in responding to a federal civil investigative demand in another state.

    We represent a conduit bond issuer against a Texas municipality in a state court dispute over the validity of a bond issuance used to finance infrastructure improvement in that municipality. We obtained a summary judgment in favor of our client and are currently defending that summary judgment win on appeal.

    In prior jobs, we helped coordinate and lead high-profile and strategic litigation against the federal government, other states, local government entities, and private parties. We also had regular interaction with members of the Texas Legislature and government agencies (including Office of the Governor, Health and Human Services Commission, Texas Commission on Law Enforcement, Department of Public Safety, Texas Juvenile Justice Department, Public Utilities Commission, Texas Railroad Commission, Texas Medical Board, Comptroller of Public Accounts, Employees Retirement System, Texas Department of Insurance, and Legislative Budget Bureau.)

    In prior employment, we represented a 20-State coalition challenging the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act following the enactment of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017.

    In prior employment, we led a 10-State coalition, and obtained nationwide permanent injunction, against an unlawful regulatory interpretation under the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act.

    In prior employment, we co-led a multi-state coalition, and obtained nationwide permanent injunction, against an unlawful regulation under the Fair Labor Standards Act.

    In prior employment, we co-led challenges to tax policies of Texas independent school districts regarding property tax relief provisions of Texas law.

    In prior employment, we led a challenge to a municipal tax in violation of the Texas Solid Waste Disposal Act.

    In prior employment, we led a lawsuit against the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission regarding a federal guidance interfering with Texas law regarding the employment of certain governmental positions.

  • Commercial litigation can be a difficult process. There are many specifics and details to consider, and you may not be sure how to pursue the case in the best possible way. Fortunately, you can work with the Peele | Nimocks Law Firm to help you make a case for your interests and rights.

    Working with us will help protect your future and give you the information and support you need to move forward. If your business relationship has deteriorated, or you're facing a dispute with a contract, seeking the services of an attorney is the right choice. You deserve a successful resolution to your case and someone on your side to help you navigate the legal waters.

    Protecting yourself, your business, and the interests of your company and employees isn't always easy, and you don't have to handle it alone.

    Representative Matters

    We represent a company in the gaming and streaming industry named as a defendant in connection with a defamation suit in state court

    We represent two companies named as defendants in a federal class action alleging a securities Ponzi scheme.

  • Creating and forming a business, or negotiating contracts as part of it, can involve a number of legal considerations. You don't want to agree to something that won't actually work for you, or get your business into a bind because you signed on the dotted line without seeking legal guidance first.

    At the Peele | Nimocks | Toth Law Firm we can help you with your business contracts and other business development needs, so you can feel confident in your decisions and know that you're legally protecting yourself and your company as much as possible.

    Most businesses aren't large enough to have an in-house counsel, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't be working with an attorney for help and support. From hiring new employees to working with a different vendor or shipping company, you want to be sure you're keeping your business secure.

    You also need to ensure that you're following regulatory and licensing requirements, so you don't have to worry about fines and penalties that can come from not doing these things the right way.

    Representative Matters

    We represent a company with rights to produce and televise Texas high school sports in its negotiations with various stakeholders in the industry.

  • Whether you're the company conducting an internal investigation or the subject of an internal investigation by your employer, it's important you retain counsel experienced in these matters immediately. If you don't have good legal representation, you may be putting yourself and your future at risk.

    Internal investigations can have serious consequences for all involved. The results of internal investigations may be presented to government regulatory bodies and criminal prosecutors. They can result in the end of someone’s career or prevent a company from continuing business in regulated industries such as healthcare and government contracting. They can lead to drastic effects in the public perception of non-profit institutions like universities, pension funds, and charitable foundations.

    We have been trusted to perform internal investigations for large institutions when the public was watching to see whether the institution would conduct a fair and objective investigation. We have represented individuals whose future could be negatively impacted by an internal investigation that wasn’t fair to them. We operate knowing that government agencies, the public, and individuals are all looking to us to operate with integrity and objectivity.

    Representative Matters

    We currently represent an NCAA Division I coach in connection with an internal investigation conducted by a state university.

    With our prior firm, we participated in multiple internal investigations for one of the largest public universities in Texas regarding theft from the institution and alleged Title IX violations.

    With our prior firm, we participated in an internal investigation for one of the largest private universities in Texas into allegations of racism and other offensive behavior.

    With our prior firm, we conducted an internal investigation for a municipal employee retirement system into allegations of corruption.

  • Protecting your religious freedom is fundamental. If your rights have been violated and you've been restricted in ways that don't follow legal guidelines for religious practices, the Peele | Nimocks | Toth Law Firm is here to help.

    The ability to practice religion is important to all of us, and the law has protections in place for that have to be followed. If an employer or agency isn't following the law, that’s wrong. Similarly, as an employer, you need to know what you can and can’t do without infringing other’s religious freedom. Either way, obtaining legal advice and representation is the first step.

    You don't have to guess at what is allowed, and you don't have to stop practicing your religion in ways that are legally protected. Having legal representation can make the difference. You can have peace of mind knowing your rights are being understood and addressed.

    When you're looking for legal representation for your religious freedom in Texas, or you need advice on how to operate your business while respecting the religious rights of others, contact the Peele | Nimocks Law Firm today and get the help you need and deserve.

    Representative Matters

    In prior employment, we led a multi-state and multi-school district coalition, to obtained a nationwide preliminary injunction, against an unlawful regulatory interpretation by five federal agencies affecting the religious freedoms of students and faculty.

    In prior employment, we led an 8-State coalition, and obtained a nationwide preliminary injunction against an unlawful regulatory interpretation by the U.S. Dep’t of Health and Human Services that affected the religious freedoms of medical professionals.

    In prior employment, we helped lead effort defending the religious freedoms of a teacher against her school district.

    In prior employment, we led an amicus effort regarding a constitutional challenge to statutory scheme governing end of life medical decisions.

    In prior employment, we represented citizens in a civil rights challenge to unlawful arrest by police precluding them from expressing their religious viewpoint.

    In prior employment, we represented citizens and taxpayers in challenges to the exclusions of an initiative and referendum from the general ballot.

    In prior employment, we represented adoptive and biological parents in constitutional challenges regarding their parental rights.

    In prior employment, we led an amicus effort before the Supreme Court of the United States regarding the constitutional rights of parents.

  • Employment law ensures fair workplace practices, encompassing hiring, contracts, wages, discrimination prevention, health and safety, termination, and collective bargaining.

Not sure where to start?

No problem.

(512) 522-4893

"In the realm of justice, the journey begins with knowledge, guided by experience, and triumphs with unwavering commitment."